OFFICIAL NEWsLETTERs Launch October 2023


When you officially sign up and become a member of our website.  You will be in the waiting to receive our monthly news letter.  We are going to begin monthly, because we ourselves don't like getting bogged down with tons of emails from websites we join.  We figure you may feel the same, thus we are going to stick to monthly news letters forward for a long while.  As time moves on?  We will get more dynamic with them and add more dynamic content.

Until then?  Still feel free to join and become a member today!  Starting 15 October 2023.  We launch our first “Official NewsLetter," to members.  Why the long wait?  This small studio, is still building.  So if you join now?  You will be growing alongside with us!  There are other dynamic priorities we are establishing at this time.  So please be patient.