If You have Been Paying Attention? Or You Are New to the Site(s): or Then you will have noticed, that in the Join Us Section :HERE: Things have changed! Now when you enter the Join Us Section! Which is the one stop place to sign up to our official mailing list! Then you now have two choices! Become a Regular Member or Become a Member of the Morgue Shadows!

The two broken down?

REGULAR MEMBERSHIP: When you sign up for this membership. You will receive a free 12 track demo & once a month: the Morgue Backstage News Letter. Which is a good way to stay informed of our going's on Behind the Scenes. With the Morgue BackStage? Your Getting News at the top of the month. Before anyone else! Stuff we don't share, that often through the rest of the month or news that we may share through out the month! Yet? You get it First Hand! Before Anyone Else! From time to time! We also send out special offers, rewards, or discounts on Merch or Events! It's worth it to be an insider!

You can be a member of both, but the Morgue Shadows, is a stricter & more detailed way to join us!


THE MORGUE SHADOWS: This is for those die hards! Regardless of how long they have followed our Official Artist(s), they are 100% are down for our Cause, as a whole, which is Murder Morgue Records - Music from the Beyond! Joining this feature allows you to get involved with our cause! As an official street team member or heading your own team, in your local area! Membership for those we may not know that well takes time? We have to ensure your serious about our cause! Once you become an official member? Then you will have the ability to serve online & the street, as an Official Morgue Shadows Member & help our cause in spreading the word to the 4 corners! Learn More :HERE: 

If You Are Down? One or the Other! Even Both, are a Good Way to Be Apart of Our Cause or Assist, with Our Cause! Join Us Today!