Where the Hell is December's "NEWsLETTER"?

I will send it out tommorrow! Although.... Expect it to be a short report. I am strapped for time this month. With family, work, and with music! You can count on one thing... D.Morgue Sound Studio & Murder Morgue Records/Promotions has allot arriving for 2014! Most of it will be announced in due time. After "Alone I Stand", is finished. Another release is scheduled. Yes! I have been working in secret on two at a time. That would be... "HOUR of the WOLF: Dark Visions & Songs". (rough estimate April 30, will be it's release time). It will also be Digital Version only. (unless requests are made for a hard copy). Then there are music vids. Most importantly performances to prepare for.... Don't worry T.R.U.E.s I got you!!!

- Hex Fallen