Some much needed updates to our official online store the Morgue Store are Arriving Soon! We have a "NEW" Layout that is about to arrive, that will be simpler and less confusing! From this point on also... All Albums, from our Artist will be featured, as packages, containing both Hard Copy & Digital Versions, when you order from our Artist! We are attempting to keep with the times. Via research and new manners in selling of albums. We are trying to give you the most for your purchase with us... Especially, in these trying & harsh economical times. The Mainstream Corporations don't give a damn about you, but we Do!

So stay posted for these changes...

So from here on out until further notice! Within the store! There will be no separation of Digital or Hard-Copy Albums, they will be sold, as One! You get a physical CD & a version of each title to put on your digital devices! Talk about killing two birds with one stone... Always Keep it Simple!