Many have already started to request hearing some of A.M.'s material. Well Now You Can! Visit His Official Artist Page to Review A Raw Preview Track, from his up & coming E.P. - "HUMAN COFFIN" - : HERE : We have to admit... This artist, has talent and that is why he is with us! We provide the best in Music from the Beyond & Art that is out of this world! 

HUMAN COFFIN - is molding into a dark, melodic, and gothic acoustic album. A.M., is building his band, which will also be represented by Murder Morgue Records & D.Morgue Sound Studio. For now.... This is an all original title, being written, created, and performed by A.M. Hex Fallen, is producing the title. Outside the norms of traditional release's, this title will be a must have for those that will follow A.M.'s future career in music. Once his band is formed. This may or may not be the only personal album you get to experience with him.

HUMAN COFFIN, tells an emotional journey that all walks of life can relate too. No matter your color, religion, creed, culture, sex, or otherwise.... Each song, is being molded to tell a story. Not only is it A.M.'s story, but it is also yours.... since we all are trapped in a Human Coffin!

A.M., is also slated, to appear on some of Hex Fallen's future releases. Not only singing, but also experimenting with Fright Rap. This artist, is talented and can even flow some tight verse's. Even though his & the future bands home plate, is going to be in the realm of music the likes of Korn. 

HUMAN COFFIN, is scheduled to release Winter 2014 or Beginning 2015... the Ball is still in the Air! Don't Worry! You will know about it's release. We will be dropping bombs of Joy. All over the World Wide Web! Stay Tuned.

- Team Morgue.