That it is.... Just when I thought Fuck it All! Out of NoWhere Artist's are Hearing the Call. Conjuring their Efforts to Join the Murder Morgue Records Circle! Granted all things take time. All things start out Small! Then again, when you hold the keys to something "NEW" & "MAGIKAL". This is the steps to it's mastery. Like the Watchful Eye in the Sky! They gather.... One by One! Guided by it's Light and Willing to bath in its Darkness! A New Era of the Wicked is on its Way.... and Man.... Does Something Wicked This Way Come!

We are Going to Make this Current Age of Sorrows... Look Like a Tea Bag to the Face! We are Well on the Rise to Bringing the "NEW ERA" in Metal, Fright Rap, and any Hardcore based Genre.... Wrapped in a Horrific & Paranormal Blanket of Epic Style! Other labels, whom are the For-Fathers of Us (look 5 years from now)... Face It.... Are on their Way Out! Murder Morgue Records & all the Brands, that soon will join its Sacred Circle.... Will Be the New Face.... A New Nightmare. With one Massive Irony! To Wake You Up to Reality. The Reality and True Freedom, that is daily being taken away by the Established. Together we will... "KILL the iLL & Represent, that Music from the Beyond!

We know this is a bold statement... but Know! We Are Fucking Serious and Will Stop at Nothing... Like a Residual Haunt to Accomplish our Goals! Join Us Now & Conjure the Magik that is... Murder Morgue Records : HERE :