Due to A Change! We have now titled our Official Websites Blog for www.HexFallen.com / www.MurderMorgue.com the, "D.MORGUE SOUND - MORGUE SOUND BLOG!" This was a long discussed change for the last six months. Due to a threat the last two weeks. We have decided for safety sake to re-title the blog! Besides! Now You Know Its Ours! Without being confused or confusing others whom may be reading other material out there with the former name we had.... Even though we know we where still in the right to carry our other title. We won't get into it! We have enough courage to do the right thing! So that parties don't continue bashing.... We said, "Fuck It!" & changed the title. Which now this title is truly Us! More Original & that is What We are About!!!!

Besides... We where in the process of changing our concept for our blog any way! We want to provide a method of helping other artist & sharing our opinions on strange subjects to the world. Well Now We Can! With the D.MORGUE SOUND - MORGUE SOUND blog! 

- Morgue Staff!